About Us
How We Started
The Path Home Veterinary Care was conceived one faithful and obedient step at a time. The name was forged from Psalm 16:11: “You will make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.”
The Path Home Veterinary Care is a mobile veterinary team consisting of Dr. Scott Isaacson and his wife, Amy, who is a licensed veterinary technician. Our services focus on wellness, prevention, and non-emergency examinations. The Path Home Veterinary Care is completely different from any other veterinary service. The Path Home Veterinary Care is different not because we come directly to the front door of your home and provide excellent care to every client, every pet, every time...which we do! The Path Home Veterinary Care is different because our love for people drives our compassion for animals. Every veterinary clinic in America is full of people who love animals. That is why they work there; that is what drew them into the profession: a profound love for animals. Please do not misunderstand; we love your pets at The Path Home Veterinary Care, but what makes us so unique is our genuine love for you, their owners. We believe that every good and perfect gift comes from God above. We believe that our pets are a gift from Him. A gift from God to enhance our lives with love, peace, and joy. That is what motivates us to take the best possible care of your pet, to ensure they have the highest quality of life and promote their health and happiness in order to maximize God’s gift to you.
At The Path, we also know life is short and even shorter for our four-legged family members. It is our responsibility to not prolong suffering. There will be a time in your pet’s life when a very difficult decision has to be made. It is during this time of grief and sorrow that we believe that God can comfort and console us and draw us even closer to Him as we celebrate and rejoice over the joy our pets have provided us.

We Believe in Loving People, Loving Pets, and Honoring God.
Our Story
Dr. Scott and Ms. Amy met in their senior year at Michigan State. He was in vet school, and she was finishing her veterinary technician degree. It was during their senior year that they both gave their lives to the Lord. It was after this commitment that their “wild, childish, and naive” lifestyles began to grow and mature into young adults with purpose and passion. Within a year, they were engaged to be married. After finishing a 15-month internship in Springfield, Massachusetts, and getting married, Dr. Scott went to work at Madison Veterinary Hospital in Madison Heights, Michigan. Amy started her career at a private practice but quickly moved to a specialty hospital where she became certified as a Licensed Dental technician and worked for a Board-Certified Veterinary Dentist. See her story for some exciting accounts.
Over the next 23 years, Dr. Scott remained at Madison Veterinary Hospital, working with his father (the owner) to help develop it into one of the finest and most respected clinics in the Metro-Detroit and Oakland County area. Amy retired from the field and became a full-time mother of three children: Gillian, Kendall, and Ian. They have been involved in their church youth group as leaders for over 15 years. They have been on several mission trips, including Guatemala, Nicaragua, Liberia, and Peru. It is through their involvement with the church and youth groups that ultimately brought them to Montana.
In obedience to God’s call, they have relocated their family over 2,000 miles away to Big Sky country. In Helena they will help their friends, Pastor Greg and Kirsten Bibeau, plant a church. The Well Church will be celebrating its grand opening on September 17th, 2017. It was during this journey of faith and obedience that God placed “The Path” Home Veterinary Care on the hearts of Dr. Scott and Amy.
We do what is right even when no one is watching. This core value comes first for a reason. Without integrity, we will not have the impact that we desire. We take this very seriously. We will extend grace when it comes to mistakes and errors, giving people a chance to grow and improve in their jobs. We are not as tolerant of violations in the area of integrity. We need to know we can trust our coworkers without question.
We are constantly redefining our goals, expectations, boundaries, and potential. Our team’s talents and performance vary from person to person. That is normal. We simply believe that regardless of your talent or performance today, you should want to be better tomorrow. We want teammates who are constantly striving to learn and grow, improving every day!
Spiritual Growth
We provide the opportunity for all to know God and make Him known. No one who works at The Path Home Veterinary Care is required to believe what we believe. However, we want to make it clear that God is the owner of our company. Therefore, all that we do centers around Him. This includes many efforts to sow seeds of faith through various efforts. We will not force anyone to believe, but you will certainly have an opportunity to hear.
Community Impact
We use our talents and treasures to make a difference in those who need it most. We believe we are part of the community in which we work and, therefore, have the responsibility to give back to that community. Whether through benevolence or sponsorship, community service, or fundraising, we are going to take the time and energy to give to those who need it.
Meet Dr. Scott
After 23 years of practicing veterinary medicine at Madison Veterinary Hospital in Madison Heights, Michigan and growing up there the 23 years before that, God has released me from serving Him at Madison. Madison Veterinary Hospital has been so much more than a career to me. It has been my 2nd family where I have developed lifelong relationships with staff members and clients. It is where I have grown from a teenage boy to a young man to a seasoned veterinarian. A place where God has stretched my faith and used my faith to help develop others. It is where I was able to learn, grow, and glean from my mentor and best friend...my dad…”Dr. I.”!

These past 23 years at Madison I would not trade for anything. But not only has God released me from Madison, but he has called me to Helena, Montana. Yep, that’s right MONTANA!!! In obedience to God’s call, my wife and I are re-locating our family over 2,000 miles away to Big Sky country. In Helena we will help our friends, Pastor Greg and Kirsten Bibeau, plant a church. The Well Church will be celebrating its grand opening September 17th, 2017. Please visit The Well Church.
This is a complete step of faith for me and my family. I have never known life outside of “Madison”. It is in this great unknown, in oceans deep, where our trust is without borders, that He takes us deeper than our feet could ever wander and He is found in the mystery. And it was in this mystery that “The Path” Home Veterinary Care was discovered.

Meet Amy
I grew up on a farm in a small town in Michigan. I really enjoyed my childhood raising animals and always being outside. I attended Michigan State University and graduated in 1993 with a degree in Veterinary Technology. Scott and I met our senior year of school and were married 2 years later. I worked at a small animal hospital for 2 years then began working at Michigan Veterinary Specialists for a Board Certified Dentist. We took care of lots of oral cancer animals. I really enjoyed my job there. I learned lots of dental procedures and even got to do work at the Detroit Zoo on a polar bear, chimpanzee, otter, and a tiger.
I retired temporally to stay home with our 3 children while they were young. Our decision to move to Montana came from a desire to please God with how we live our lives. After becoming a Christian in college and being involved with our church as a youth leader for 15 years I felt God asking more of me. So after much prayer and searching out God’s will and direction Scott and I decided to move our family to Helena, Montana and see what adventure God has in store for us. I am looking forward to working beside my husband in our new business and becoming a small town girl again. I hope we can be a blessing to you and your precious animals.
Meet Gillian
I am nineteen years old and will be a sophomore at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana this fall. I am majoring in Elementary Education and hope to teach first grade once I graduate. I love working with kids and teaching them new things. I have been on several missions trips including Nicaragua twice, Peru and the Philippines (in January 2018). I also have a passion for fiction writing and reading, as well as playing softball, which I played all through High School. I am excited for my family’s big adventure to Montana. While I will be staying in school, I am eager to hear about the amazing things God will be doing through them in Montana. It is a big change, and I admire my family for taking the risk they are and for trusting in God completely. “He will make known to you the path of life” Psalm 16:11. As much as I would like to go to Montana with my family, my “path” is staying at Taylor and earning my teacher’s degree.

Meet Kendall
I will be going into my junior year in high school this upcoming fall. I am a student athlete that loves to play volleyball and softball. I haven't thought much about where I want to go to college or even what I want to do, but missionary work has always been on my heart. I’ve been on many mission trips before, two of which were overseas to Nicaragua and Peru. My family moving to Montana, however, is a very different kind of missions trip. This trip is not just 2 weeks, this is permanent. This has been a very bitter-sweet step in my life. I’ve lived in Michigan all my life and have spent all my days with such close friends and family members that I now have to just leave behind. But God is sending my family and I down The Path that is right for us.
I will definitely miss a lot of things in Michigan, but God has brought it to my attention that they really aren’t things, they’re relationships. I will miss my house and my school but I will not mourn over them. I will miss my church but it was never the building that drew my family and I there in the first time. People are what matter the most and relationships are what makes us who we are. God has shown me that I will not lose the relationships I’ve made in Michigan, but that I will gain many more in Montana. I’m sad to leave my friends and family behind, but I’m so excited to follow God’s path of life for me. (Psalm 16:11)
Meet Ian
I am 14 years old and will be starting high school at Capitol High in the fall. I've been playing baseball ever since I can remember. I've got pitching lessons in the past, but I think I'm a better catcher and I like catching better. I also enjoy wrestling, I am striving to become a Montana state champion when I'm a senior. After that I want to go to Michigan state university and become a veterinarian like my dad. When I was in the seventh grade I went with my family to Peru on a missions trip. In Peru we went to this church on Sunday and they let me and my friend preach the message. That was pretty awesome. When my parents made the decision to move to Montana, I was really mad at them because I didn't want to leave Michigan and everything I've ever know. However, now I trust that my parents have their faith in God and are making the right decision.